Westwood Theatre
Site Introduction
Situated alongside one of Etobicoke’s busiest streets, the Westwood Theatre site historically housed a popular movie theatre. After 45 years in operation, the Westwood Theatre closed its doors in 1998 and was demolished in 2013.
The area continues to transform. Around these lands lies what is locally known as the “spaghetti junction,” a complicated interchange where Kipling Avenue, Bloor Street and Dundas Street intersect. This area is currently undergoing a $77 million infrastructure project to re-design and urbanize the busy road network to allow for a more urban form including better vehicle circulation and access points, and optimize servicing, so that future development is supported.
In addition to providing input into the City’s vehicle circulation and servicing design, Build Toronto is master-planning for the 13.8 acre Westwood Theatre site. We will be working to ensure that uses, massing, parking and vehicular circulation, pedestrian pathways, parks, open spaces and streetscape are all carefully combined with a mix of uses to create a livable community that is in line with the investment in the area. Our plans will fall in line with the concepts and guidelines developed out of the Etobicoke Centre Secondary Plan, the West District Design Initiative and the Etobicoke Centre Public Space and Streetscape Plan.
Build Toronto will be taking land parcels to market as they become available.
City Council directed Build Toronto, in collaboration with City of Toronto Planning and Real Estate, to undertake a design competition for the new Etobicoke Civic Centre proposed to be relocated to the former Westwood Theatre Lands, along with a with a business case analysis.
On Tuesday, April 25, 2017, the four international and local design teams presented their designs for the Etobicoke Civic Centre. More information can be found below:
Major Intersection: Bloor Street West and Kipling AvenueSurrounding Uses: A mixture of new large-scale high-density residential developments, established low-density residential, low-density industrial buildings, the subway and rail corridor and a commercial plaza north, south and west of the site. The Toronto Police Services 22 Division is immediately east.
Ward: 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Councillor: Justin Di Ciano
Site Area (acres): 13.8
Current Use: Vacant
Proposed Use: A residential development with office and retail components
Official Plan - Land Use Designation: Mixed Use
Planning and Staff Reports:
- West District Design Initiative
- Etobicoke Centre Public Space and Streetscape Plan
- West District Study: Results of the West District Design Initiative
- Etobicoke Centre Secondary Plan
Development Objectives
- Enhance the public realm
- Create a distinct identity for the growing community with a mix of uses including retail, office, recreation and residential
- Minimize vehicular impact on the public realm
- Prioritize the pedestrian environment by creating strong links between the subway and the surrounding neighbourhoods
- Integrate development into the upcoming visually stimulating and functionally integrated mixed-use community
City-Building Highlights

Winning Etobicoke Civic Centre Design Team
On Thursday, May 4, Build Toronto, in partnership with the City of Toronto, announced Adamson Associates Architects of Toronto, Henning Larsen Architects of Copenhagen and PMA Landscape Architects of Toronto as the… Read more

Four Competing Design Teams Unveil Their Concepts for the Etobicoke Civic Centre
On Tuesday, April 25, four shortlisted design teams publicaly presented their designs for a new Etobicoke Civic Centre in front of over 140 community members, a five-member jury, City Councillors in attendance,… Read more

A Design Competition to Build the New Etobicoke Civic Centre at Westwood
Build Toronto, on behalf of the City of Toronto, has invited design teams to submit their qualifications for the first of a two-stage design competition for the proposed Etobicoke Civic Centre which… Read more

Community Engagement to Reconfigure the Six Points Interchange
The community has been engaged throughout the Six Points Interchange Reconfiguration process. For more information, please visit the City of Toronto Construction Projects…. Read more

A Mobility Hub at Bloor Street West and Kipling Avenue
Provincially designated as a mobility hub, the area will see high density development planned around its higher-order transit. Build Toronto’s 14-acre development located at the eastern end of Kipling subway station is… Read more
Development Lead

Director, Development
[email protected]

Senior Vice President, Development & Investments
[email protected]